Thursday, July 16, 2009

After the fact... The Nerve of some people.

Man if you don't know the story of what Martin Brashir did to Michael Jackson, you should definitely read up on it. But in a Nutshell he got with Mike and said he was going to spend 8 months with him and document it so he could show the world that Michael was a "normal" person... And the whole time he played the role like everything was cool... But then when he released the documentary footage, he had butchered the video and made it seem like he was "disturbed" by what he was seeing and that Michael Jackson was a pedophile that needed help. Michael Jackson's Neverland Home was raided THE DAY AFTER HIS DOCUMENTARY AIRED. Based on HIS documentary. It's a Good thing that Michael was smart enough to have his Camera Crew filming as well, because a couple of weeks later Michael Sent Maury Povich HIS footage and it clearly showed the lies and deception that Brashir had put out. Afterwards you could see that Michael was set-up. But it was too late, the public had already seen the first Documentary which was heavily promoted, and didn't pay as much attention to the "Real" Version because the media didn't push that one. And it led to the eventual destruction of Michael Jackson. If you REALLY pay attention you can see that the SAME people were on a mission to destroy Mike since 93, and they carried out scheme after scheme. From siccing Brashir on him, to getting those boys to lie on him and on to Taking Neverland and auctioning off his belongings... Mike was going through some serious sh*t behind the scenes yall...
If you are interested in seeing Michael's Version of the clown below's "documentary" I have the whole thing here:
(What you weren't supposed to see)

But check out the clip below of Martin Brashirs complete story changing.
The nerve of some of these M*$##@***@'s

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